Literary Works
Book “Noble People”

Noble People is the second book written by Diogenis D. Valavanidis, published in 2006. Subject of this book is something that the author knows best because his personal characteristics are close to the characteristics of the noble people. This is a book on upbringing, taste, manners, moral and other characteristics of the good life. Namely, this is a book on something that is nearly extinguished but still very important for general social progress. According to reviewer – writer Milovan Vitezovic - “this book is a bon-ton but, more than that, it gives reader a chance to compare himself to others. It is a text-book but more than a text-book because reader gets to know his other self. It is a protocol but more than a protocol because reader can determine level of his dignity. It gives advice but, what’s more, it turns reader into an important adviser. It is a history of nobleness throughout human civilization but, at the same time, it convinces reader that he can be a part of that history and her important continuation."

The book Noble People has two parts. First talks about general characteristics of the noble people, conversation, cultural activities and conduct of the noble people, visits, receptions and rituals performed by the noble people, music and balls, social and sports’ activities. It ends in a chapter about noble conduct of children and young people and resume. Second part, which ends in profound thoughts and sayings, is composed of two important chapters: protocol of the state institutions and protocol of the Christian church. Rules of the noble people, written on the pages of this book, are not orders. They are not obligations but only explanation how to live properly, how to become aware of own social status, i.e. how to be noticed on personal travel through the life on earth.